Reflections on the First Year of Blogging

With the publication of this entry, I’ll have completed my first year of blogging.  It takes at least twelve months to build any credibility with these things and this is what I’ve learned so far: First, blogging requires steady work and commitment and I can’t predict who will stick to it.  I knew about the commitment going in and I wasn’t sure if I could keep up with that.  More than 150 columns later I’m still not sure, but in that time I’ve watched some would-be bloggers give up and others stick it out.  To create the possibility of eventually succeeding, the writer has to consistently post coherent, interesting work even when no one is reading it.  Hey, that’s the deal: blogs are or should be a pleasure to read and since people equate this pleasure with leisure time, bloggers get read at leisure, a division of time that gets steadily smaller. If there are times when your best beloveds skip reading your post, it’s because they  have lives of their own.  In the end, I don’t think bloggers do this for praise or the money; we do it to put ideas into the universe. Second, it’s impossible to tell … Continue reading Reflections on the First Year of Blogging